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  • It's a whole new world!
  • Post author
    Peter Sherlock

It's a whole new world!

It's a whole new world!

A title that means many things to many people, be it personally, technologically or politically - you name it!

For me, it is a whole new phase in life.

Leaving a business I had spent 10 years building, moving to our farm permanently and spending time with our little boy who started Prep. Not to mention setting up a brand, sourcing unique product and artists with which to work!

It has been invigorating, frustrating at times, but ultimately rewarding and refreshing. Today it has culminated into the beautiful products you see on the Alex Muir website and there are many more exciting products in the wings! 

Early December I will be back in India working alongside the artists creating my new fabrics and designing new products.

Today though, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those people who have supported me in "my whole new world" - the wonderful Tess Newman-Morris for her impeccable eye to detail when it comes to styling, Caitlin Mills who is a photographer extraordinaire and instantly felt like part of the team, our delightful retail partners and of course the amazing customers who visit my website, selecting something beautiful for their home. 

This will be a blog that aims to achieve several things. It will showcase my new products, however, equally as important, it will share with you my journey along this new path, tips and tricks for the seasons, or simply pointers on decorating your favourite room. 

I hope you enjoy the website and if reading this can motivate you to do something differently, challenge yourself or simply paint that bedroom - then, I have achieved what I set out to do!

Lots of love 

Alex XX

  • Post author
    Peter Sherlock

Comments on this post (2)

  • Nov 22, 2017

    Congratulations Alex. The website is beautiful as are your products. Exactly my style. Look forward to purchasing when I do my family room makeover.

    — Lenore Harris

  • Nov 20, 2017

    Gorgeous Al – I just love what you have done. x

    — Annabel Dunlop

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