Log fires, slow cooking and winter gardens

In case you missed it, winter arrived last week! -2.5 degrees for the school run, ice on the windscreen and the roads. Welcome to central Victoria!
Winter though means bonfires with friends – a casual affair often with just wine and cheese, the tray of a ute providing both table and seating. Dogs and children intermingle and become a noisy blur as the sun sets.
It also means log fires, slow cooking and busy weekends on the farm. It is calving time and each day we welcome a new little black bundle of Angus into our herd with proud Mums watching on and tackling all the issues we do with our children!
Our winter vegetable garden is in full swing. Perfect for including in a pot of slow cooked beef cheek or ragout. This year, 6 old Charlie was in charge of selecting the vegetables and helping Dad get the garden ready. Boxes of cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, beetroot, shard and climbing peas battle through the frost and are now happy and healthy – a unique but beautiful Mother’s Day present from Charlie.
Our cattle and our vegetables are great education tools for Charlie. He sees calves born and sadly, on very rare occasions die, he learns how vegetables grow and that they don’t just appear in supermarkets shrink wrapped in plastic. Simple lessons but ones we are so grateful to be able to share since making the decision to move to our farm fulltime.
Every parent can share these lessons with their children – you only need a small container to grow a cauliflower and the joy children seem to get from eating something they have grown is priceless. Not to mention they want to try vegetables! If you haven’t grown something at home it is not too late and you don’t need space. Try it!
Whilst it is cold now, before long I will be back in the warmth, actually heat of Jaipur. Designing and manufacturing the new season of Alex Muir Australia products. These trips are one of the favourite times of the year for me. Beautiful fabrics, the hospitality of my now friends who are also suppliers and the hustle, bustle, noise and smells that is India.
But for now, the crackle of an open fire and the taste of home grown vegetables will do just fine! Take care and stay warm.
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